Create Dashboards

You can create custom dashboards on the Dashboards page by adding the Oracle-defined widgets or the custom widgets you’ve created.

Out-of-Box Dashboards

In addition to creating dashboards, Ops Insights also provides the following predefined dashboards:

Dashboard Description
Exadata Cell Dashboard - Hourly Hourly granularity dashboard for cell disk metrics. The disk metrics are aggregated across the flash and hard disks as indicated by the widget names.

Useful to help identify potential disk-related IO bottlenecks and cell outliers.

Exadata IORM Dashboard - Hourly Hourly granularity dashboard for Exadata IORM-related metrics.

This dashboard breaks down hard and flash IORM metrics helping to pinpoint heavy consumers of the cell IO resources at both database and pluggable database levels.

OPSI capacity dashboard Fleet-wide view of top utilized databases, hosts, and Exadata Systems enabled for Ops Insights.
OPSI configuration dashboard Fleet-wide view of configurations across the Ops Insights enabled databases, hosts, and Exadata systems.
SQL Insights - SQL analysis Insights and performance history for a specific SQL observed on a specific database.
SQL Insights - Database analysis Insights and performance history aggregated over all SQL observed on a specific database.
SQL Insights - Fleet analysis Insights and analytics over all SQL and all databases enabled in the compartment.
The following dashboard operations can be performed: For a complete list of dashboard operations see: Manage Dashboards.

Additional Information

For information regarding the Management Dashboard policies that assign the permissions required to work with dashboards, see Details for Management Dashboard.

For Management Dashboard API documentation, see Management Dashboard API.