Subscribing to Upgrade Notifications

To receive email notifications when an upgrade starts and is finished, perform this procedure. The procedure involves creating a notification topic, then subscribing to the topic with an email address.

To use the Notification service for other purposes, see Notifications.


Create only one topic called ComputeCloudCustomer-InfraWatch, and at least one subscription to that topic.


You must have notification policies configured as described in Add Required Policies.

  1. Open the Oracle Cloud Console navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under Application Integration, click Notifications.
  2. On the Topics page, select the Compute Cloud@Customer infrastructure root compartment.
  3. Click Create Topic.
  4. In the Create Topic panel, enter the following information:

    • Name: Enter the following string exactly as shown. The string is case-sensitive:

    • Description: Enter a description such as "Upgrade notification topic." Avoid entering confidential information.


    Ignore the message about creating an identity policy. The policies for this topic were created when the tenancy was prepared. See Add Required Policies.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click the topic named ComputeCloudCustomer-InfraWatch.

    The Topic Details page is displayed.

  7. Click Create Subscription.
  8. In the Create Subscription panel, enter the following information
    • Protocol: Select Email.
    • Email: Enter an email address.
  9. Click Create.

    The Notifications service creates the email subscription and sends a confirmation URL to the email address. The subscription is pending until confirmation is received.

What's Next?

Learn about typical postinstallation administration. See Postinstallation Administration
