Edit a term version

Update the details of a term.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Marketplace. Under Publisher, click Terms.
    2. From the list of term versions, click the term version you want to update. In the term version's detail page, Click Edit.
    3. In the Edit term revision panel, enter a name of the term you want to update.
    4. Attach a PDF of the term. You can either drag and drop a file or browse and select a PDF from your local system.
    5. Click Update.

      You can edit terms only at the term version level.
  • Use the oci marketplace-publisher term-version update command and required parameters to update a term version details:

    oci marketplace-publisher term-version update --term-version-id, ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI for Marketplace Publisher.

  • Run the UpdateTermVersion operation to edit and update the details of a term.