Making a Certificate Version Current

Make a specific certificate version the current version when you want to actively use it.

A certificate version that's marked as anything other than deprecated can be marked as current to return it to active use. You can't make a certificate version marked as deprecated the current certificate version.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security.
    2. Under Certificates, click Certificates.
    3. From the list of certificates in the compartment, click the name of the certificate with the certificate version that you want to actively use by making it current.

      To find a certificate in a different compartment, under List scope, choose a different compartment.

    4. Under Resources, click Versions.
    5. Under Versions, find the certificate version that you want to make current.
    6. Click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for that certificate version and select Make Current.
    7. Confirm the promotion by clicking Make Current.
  • Use the oci certs-mgmt certificate update command and required parameters to make a specific certificate version the current version:

    oci certs-mgmt certificate update --certificate-id <certificate_OCID> --current-version-number <version_number_to_make_current>

    For example:

    oci certs-mgmt certificate update --certificate-id ocid1.certificate.oc1.<region>.<unique_ID> --current-version-number 3

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the UpdateCertificate operation to make a specific certificate version the current version.